2002– 2006 Aichi Sangyo Univercity
Bachelor in Art and Design (Graphic Design)
Bachelor in Art and Design (Graphic Design)
In 2005 (as a part of the 2005 Aichi Expo) I was the Art director and Designer for the "Making things that gives hope to the Disabled" Civil Pavilion booth.
Relevant Experience
2006 – 2011 Tokyo : blanc Inc. - creative production (Web designer)
For 5 years, I have been in charge of designing web sites for Canon compact digital cameras and promotion campaigns in a wide range of fields on the Rakuten web site, from marketing campaign to job-placement SNS for new graduates. Major clients include Suntory, Konica Minolta Japan, Kewpie Corporation, Korea Tourism Organization, and Sharp Corporation.
Responsibilities include:
•Participating all stages of production from planning to final execution
• Layout and design of advertisements with attention to details
• Capable of using HTML and CSS
• Software skills: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Fireworks and Microsoft office
• Computer literate (Mac Operating System and Microsoft Windows )
For 5 years, I have been in charge of designing web sites for Canon compact digital cameras and promotion campaigns in a wide range of fields on the Rakuten web site, from marketing campaign to job-placement SNS for new graduates. Major clients include Suntory, Konica Minolta Japan, Kewpie Corporation, Korea Tourism Organization, and Sharp Corporation.
Responsibilities include:
•Participating all stages of production from planning to final execution
• Layout and design of advertisements with attention to details
• Capable of using HTML and CSS
• Software skills: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Fireworks and Microsoft office
• Computer literate (Mac Operating System and Microsoft Windows )
2011 – 2013 London : Lofty U.K. - online clothing store (Online-shop Manager)
E-commerce website design. Online shop manager, buyer, and responsible for customers service as well.
2011 – 2013 London : : Freelance - Graphic designer, web designer
Logos, business cards, flyers, posters, pamphlets, websites. Creative assistant for photographer, interior designer, fashion designer etc.
Logos, business cards, flyers, posters, pamphlets, websites. Creative assistant for photographer, interior designer, fashion designer etc.
2013 – 2016 Tokyo : Digitalstage Inc. - software production (Designer, Director)
Web sites templates directions and design. UI/UX design, news letters, product logos etc.
Web sites templates directions and design. UI/UX design, news letters, product logos etc.
Since 2017 Tours / Paris : Freelance - Graphic designer, web designer, photographer
France, Tours based, working as a freelance while studying french. Producing mainly visuals : Websites, logos, business cards, flyers, posters, pamphlets, pictures.
France, Tours based, working as a freelance while studying french. Producing mainly visuals : Websites, logos, business cards, flyers, posters, pamphlets, pictures.
Languages and other skills
• Native Japanese speaker
• Good command of English
• French DELF B1 (Conversational)
• Can fit in any working environment
• Can work well with a team as well as individually
• Creative thinker and fast learner
• Adaptable to differing and varied situations
愛知の大学でデザインやアートを学び卒業後、東京のクリエイティブ・プロダクション blanc に就職。2006年からの5年間、キヤノンマーケティングジャパンや、楽天株式会社など、大手クライアントのweb制作を担当しながら広告やキャンペーンについて学ぶ。
2011年に渡英、Londonにて日本の顧客向けオンラインショップに就職。サイトデザイン、企画・運営、カスタマーサービス、バイヤー業務から発送まで、一通りを覚える。フリーランスのwebデザイナーもしながら、現地のクリエイティブな仲間とともに深い時間を過ごす。ミュージックビデオの衣装制作、インテリアコーディネーターとアンティーク家具の買い付け、フォトグラファーのアシスタント、翻訳、等 様々な経験をする。
2013年抱えきれないほどの思い出とともに帰国。東京にてソフトウエア開発のDigitalstage Inc に就職。主にwebデザイン用ソフトウエアのテンプレートデザインとディレクションを行いながら、動画編集やメール配信のソフトウエアの開発にも関りUI/UXデザインを学ぶ。